Thursday, August 26, 2021

Aiden :: 3 Years

Happy 3rd Birthday to our baby boy!

Sweet Boy, 

I have a feeling I am going to have a hard time with each of these are you already three years old?? I have watched you grow and learn and change this year in so many ways, but it's still hard to believe you're getting so big. You are just not a baby anymore! You have such a fun and silly personality; you are our little comedian, doing silly things to make us laugh...mostly on purpose, but sometimes not. You have been talking all year, but I am still amazed at the complexity of your you articulate things so well, how formal your language is, and how quickly you connect concepts. I look forward to doing more intentional "Toddler School" with you, because I think you're just going to soak it all up. Even though you are growing up so fast, you are still just as snuggly as ever, and I just don't want it to ever end. Because when you bring your Pooh Bear and blanket to me and say, "I want to snuggle, Mama," my heart melts and I am more than happy to oblige. Our snuggle times are getting shorter, as you often say, "Ok, Mommy, all done" and hop off to run and play. But they're still frequent, so I will treasure it for as long as it lasts. You have certainly lived up to your name {Aiden means "little fire"}, and you are still the loudest of your siblings, BY FAR. But overall, you are just so happy and fun and sweet. You LOVE your brother and sister, and I love that you are all developing such a close relationship already. We love YOU so much, and we can't wait to see what 3-year-old-life brings!


Stats :: 39.8 pounds, 39 inches tall

Aiden-Phrases to Remember:
  • oopsie spaghetti-o! he mixes his phrases and insists he gets them right :)
  • That's enough! when Mike gives me a kiss good-bye every morning, Aiden waits expectantly, then yells this out for us to stop kissing. Every time. Haha!
  • Probably...sort of. He recently started saying this when answering questions. No idea where he picked this up, but it's pretty funny.
  • Well... he has such a good vocabulary. He often will start his serious sentences with this, as he tries to explain things to us.
  • I want to go to bed, Mama. This boy is my sleeper. And when he is tired, he wants his bed. Which is great come nap and bed time. Not so great when he's tired and grumpy at like 9am haha!
  • Banilla...his way of saying "vanilla"...he requested "banilla" cupcakes for his birthday :)
  • -ed... he adds an extra -ed on the end of words- "I bonked-ed," "I surprised-ed you!" or "I fall-ded"

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