Thursday, April 1, 2021

1000 Hours Outside :: March

There were many days in March that were still cold {and still more days Mommy wasn't feeling well}, but we caught a glimpse of spring, and we took advantage of the nicer weather whenever we could! 

The backyard has become our little oasis, and the kids are loving the opportunity to play in the dirt. They run and chase each other, pick flowers, try to climb the trees, and make weed/dirt pies. They started picking weeds, and I just didn't have the heart to stop them. Might as well get some yard work done, right? :)

Also, Eli and Maddie basically live inside this tree. They hide things inside, go searching for them, build houses/tents for their babies, and basically have a grand old time in that tree. If there is anything living in it, I'm sure it stays as high up and away as possible.

And of course, the sandbox is always a hit :)

We also got to explore some parks in our area. We took a walk in our neighborhood to check out Mink Meadows Park, which is basically a large pond with some disc golf stations and a few trails through the trees. It was small, but we were the only ones there at the time, so we were able to explore all we wanted.

Eli and Maddie played a little in the water...

...while Aiden stood back and watched haha

We planted flowers on National Plant a Flower Day! I had bought zinnias to plant, because they were cheap, pretty, and are supposed to be easy to grow. And then when we received our caterpillars in the mail, they came with a packet of wildflower seeds. There's a mix of cosmos, crimson clover, blue lupine, baby snapdragon, lemon mint, and purple coneflower. We will grow them inside in pots first, and then hopefully get to transfer them outside. So we'll see what we are able to grow!

Day 1 :)

Day 20- no flowers yet, but plenty of green :)

We also just enjoyed several walks around our neighborhood, which is always a crowd favorite. And if we can find sticks...we're golden :)

Apparently our walk was too long for Aiden. He just sat down in the middle of the trail. He was done haha.

Eli's antler

Maddie's antlers :)

This boy and his sticks

But our favorite outdoor activity in March? Bike riding! We had talked about getting the kids bikes for Christmas, but since we weren't in a permanent place, we decided to wait. We finally pulled the trigger and went the balance bike route. They mostly walk the bikes right now, but they absolutely LOVE them! We got to ride them in the church parking lot, and we also adventured out in our neighborhood.

And who doesn't love just running in an open field? Murrey Park

Here's to more fun adventures outside this spring!

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