Sunday, March 21, 2021

Our Little Bike Gang

We got the kids balance bikes, and we finally got to take them for a spin! After naps, we packed up the bikes and headed to the church parking lot. The weather was perfect, and there was plenty of space for them to ride. They mostly just walked their bikes the whole time, but they loved it! 

Eli was our steady rider {no surprise there!} He was slow and steady the whole time, very focused on figuring out how to ride his bike. At one point he was wanting to ride off the curb, but we encouraged him to figure out sitting on the bike first before we started doing tricks :)

Maddie was SO excited about her bike! More than once, she would stop and tell me, "Mommy, my bike is the best!" She did really well with her bike. She mostly walked her bike, but toward the end, she was trying to push off and lift her feet, trying to actually ride. I think she's going to pick it up pretty quickly.

Aiden did really well too! He was excited to ride his bike, but he was also our "this is too hard" kid haha. Anytime his bike would start to tilt, he would let go of the handle bars and let it fall, and then sit on the ground and say "I can't do it!" Despite that, with a little encouragement, he would get right back on and want to do it "'self!"

He really didn't want to sit on the seat haha

It was a pretty fun afternoon, and the kids are already bugging us to ride their bikes again! :)

"Let's ride together!"

Our little bike gang :)

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