Saturday, April 10, 2021

Spring Fellowship Picnic

Today the women's ministry at CBC had a Spring Fellowship Picnic out at Bull Run Regional Park. Our women's ministry director did such a wonderful job organizing a fun and encouraging event, that also met all COVID-safe guidelines. We met for a time of fellowship {since it has been so long since the women have met in person}, singing, and prayer. One of the other pastor's wives shared an encouraging devotional from Psalm 46, and we were able to fill some gift bags for Sanctity of Life Ministries, a ministry that the church supports. It was a great opportunity to meet and connect with women in the church, and I am so thankful I was able to be a part of it.

I was able to help by providing the photo booth decor...a fun excuse to be creative! Our Assistant Administrator helped me make the PVC pipe frame and find some tablecloths and sheers at the church. And then I was able to make some paper flowers and a chalkboard sign. I was really happy with how it all turned out, and it was perfect for what we needed today.

Writing encouraging notes and praying for the women who would receive these gift bags

After the official event was done, there was an optional hike on the Bluebell Trail in the park. It was pretty muddy on the trail, but the bluebells were in full bloom and were absolutely beautiful! It had been pretty chilly and misty during our fellowship time, but by the time we went on the hike, it was warming up. It was so fun to see the beautiful flowers, and get another opportunity to connect with some more women. 

There are just so many things for which to be opportunity to be creative, a way to serve our new church, a time of {socially distanced} fellowship with new friends, and a beautiful walk through the bluebells. I'm thankful for vaccines, for all of the scientists and volunteers who made it possible, and for the ability to receive one. And I'm thankful for our new church and for the women faithfully pursuing Jesus and encouraging me to do the same.

Our wonderful women's ministry director! So thankful for her.

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