Monday, February 1, 2021

1000 Hours Outside :: January

In 2019, we participated in the 150 Hours Outside Project {started by Leah from Your Natural Learner}. We logged 202 hours of outside time, and that was a huge step up from being home bound with 3 babies :)

And then in 2020, COVID hit, and we found ourselves spending a TON of time outside: playing in our backyard, going on walks, exploring our neighborhood. It was just survival, since we were all quarantined and couldn't go very many places. We didn't track those hours, but I know we went way past 202 hours.

I have been following Ginny at 1000 Hours Outside for a few months, and I decided we would try it for 2021! One of the really cool things about being in Virginia is that there are SO many things to do outside! When we were praying about moving here, I got excited about all that there is to do, secretly starting to envision our family on hikes, bike riding, exploring historical sites, etc. We could have done those things in Texas, but it is so much more of a way of life up here, and much more accessible. There are so many more trees {and less concrete} haha! And there are so many more parks, trails, and outdoor places to explore, all within minutes of our house.

January was not our best month. I mean, we did move again haha. But I am also still not feeling well, and there were too many days that I couldn't leave the house, unable to even go for walks, because I needed to stay close to a bathroom {ugh}. I hate that my kids have to suffer for it. So I definitely have that to overcome. But it makes me unable to make other excuses, because I have to take advantage of my good days, as few as they are right now.

It's also hard for me to get outside when it's cold. Especially now that we're in Virginia cold, and not just Texas cold. We rejoiced {and got outside!} on a day when it hit 35 degrees! Because many days have lingered in the low 20s. And the wind is so biting cold haha! But I am determined to try and do the best we can, even if it's only a short time in the colder months. Everybody just feels so much better when we spend more time outside. 

So here we go...starting slow. But still starting :)


We love playing up at the church! A lot of the times, the kids just run in the back field, but we also have taken advantage of the playground {since we can go at times when we are the only ones there!} 

Our landlords left this fun sandbox for us on the back deck, and it has been a good way for us to get some outside time {while Mommy stays close to a bathroom}. The wind can be pretty brutal, so I was definitely googling "outdoor patio heater" :)

And of course, despite the cold, we had to get outside and play in the snow! :)

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