Friday, January 22, 2021

High Five for Friday!

It has been awhile since I did a "High Five for Friday" post...but it's a good time to do one now :)

{one} This past weekend, we moved out of the extended stay hotel and into our rental house!! We were SO ready to have all of our stuff back and to start getting more settled here in Virginia. We had a team of deacons who helped us move our stuff out of the PODS, and we are so thankful! I was organized 3 months ago when we packed...but my brain can't seem to remember that far back. So we have been playing the "where's that?" game haha! It will take time, but we're steadily making progress. It will be nice to actually rest and enjoy being in our new space! The things I missed the most? My washer/dryer {in my house, so I don't have to walk outside and fight other people} and my oven. So nice to have those things back! :)

{two} Aside from being unsettled in our living space, we have felt like we are settling ok in other ways. We're starting to learn the area and find what we need {grocery store, Chick Fil A, etc.} Mike is settling into his job at the church, better understanding his role and totally rocking it. The kids love going up to Daddy's office to run around in the empty building or in the empty field behind the church. While COVID still limits our ability to meet people, we are still finding creative ways to get plugged in. I was able to join the women's Bible study back in November {online}, and people are so kind to find safe ways to meet. We spend a lot of time outside and socially distanced, and I'm just so thankful for the level of sensitivity and graciousness. We are loving Virginia so far!

{three} I really miss Sasha :(  I don't feel quite as out of sorts like I did those first few days, but there are reminders of her everywhere. I think of her when I drop a piece of ice {she used to always run to come eat it}, or when I open the peanut butter jar {her favorite treat}. Even unpacking now, I am finding random Sasha hairs :)  I will say, though, that I am glad she left us before we moved. I think the stress of it would have been too much for her. And the layout of this house would have kept her on the bottom floor, too much by herself {because she couldn't do stairs anymore}...just not super ideal. So I am just thankful that her last days were close by all the people she loved. 

{four} I am still battling with health stuff. Before my last infusion, they did bloodwork to measure the level of Entyvio in my system. Good news: I don't have any antibodies. Bad news: my levels were really low {half of what they like to see}, so I haven't been getting enough medicine. Which explains why I'm not feeling better yet! So my doctor is putting me back on infusions every 4 weeks, in an effort to hopefully kickstart remission. I am still taking the Lialda {the anti-inflammatory medicine he added in December}, and I do think it's helping. My stomach aches are gone {from the gastritis}! {I knew it wasn't stress!} But the Lialda hasn't been able to help all of my Crohn's symptoms, so hopefully the change in my Entyvio dosing will do that. I feel pretty exhausted and icky most days, and it feels defeating to know it has been A YEAR of battling these symptoms. So I am praying that the increased infusions will be the trick to remission!

{five} And because we love those silly holidays...we celebrated National Pooh Bear Day {January 18}, and National Popcorn Day {January 19} this week! Super easy ones to celebrate in the midst of all the unpacking mess. Watch a Pooh Bear movie? Check. Pop some popcorn? Check. But sorry, no photos... I'm not THAT organized yet :)

Happy Friday!

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