Friday, November 6, 2020

Goodbye Texas...

This post isn't super exciting, and I don't have any pictures {sorry}, but I just wanted to have a record of our crazy whirlwind of packing and moving! We officially accepted the offer for Mike's job in Virginia on September 3rd, and since then, we have been packing and purging and repairing and painting and organizing and selling and planning and preparing. It's not the easiest of tasks to pack up your house, sell it, and move across the country with a family of 5, plus a 2 months :)

But the Lord has been gracious and good, providing in only the ways that He can, all along the way. We spent most of September packing and getting the house ready to put on the market. We purged as much as we could, then packed  and stored everything else we knew we wouldn't need for 2 months. We decided that PODS would be our best option, and I cannot tell you how thankful I am that that's the route we chose from the beginning. With all of the unknowns, last minutes decisions and changes, PODS made it SO easy to make the necessary adjustments along the way. Highly recommend. 

We put the house on the market on October 2nd, and we made the decision to leave for the weekend while it showed. Also a brilliant suggestion from some neighbors down the street, who had recently sold their house. So we got an Airbnb in Denison, and watched as text after text came in for showings. Another gracious provision from the Lord is the state of the current housing market. We had 18 showings that weekend, with 5 offers by the end of it. It was a HUGE provision from the Lord that we were able to sell it so quickly. Both from a logistics/financial standpoint, but also a sanity-saver for me. It would have been so hard to have to get the house ready for a showing with 3 toddlers and a dog. So I am so thankful that we didn't have to worry about that. 

The rest of October was spent finishing packing and preparing for our move to Virginia. We made the decision to rent in Virginia, so that we could learn the area before buying again. Plus, with our timeframe {and COVID}, it was going to be less stressful to find a rental than actually buy a house from across the country. Because of the nature of the rental market right now, we didn't actually go look for a place to live in Virginia until 2 weeks before we actually moved to Virginia. Not going to lie, I just had to put it out of my mind so my Type-A brain wouldn't freak out. Mike and I flew to Virginia in the middle of October to find a place to live. At the beginning of the week, there were 5 or 6 rental options; by the time we actually arrived in Virginia that weekend, there were only 2 options. We looked at both of them, and even put an application in on one of them. While it would have been fine, and we would have made it work, the Lord already had a plan in the works for something that would better fit our needs.

A military family in the church had recently received orders for a transfer to California, and they had wanted to rent their house while they were gone. The senior pastor connected our families, and we were able to look at the house while we were in Virginia. Their house has more space, a better arrangement for Sasha {she can't go up/down stairs anymore, and everything is multi-level in Virginia}, and is closer to the church. It turned out to be a win/win, since they didn't have to go through the process of advertising it for rent. The Lord was truly providing for both of our families, and we are amazed at how the Lord has yet again provided for our housing needs.

The only catch is that they are not leaving until January. So we had to find an interim solution for the remainder of 2020. Enter the Lord's provision through another family in the church... again the senior pastor connected us with another member in the church who manages an extended stay. He was able to find us a place at a reasonable rate for our first 2 months in Virginia. So while we will be in a little bit of tight quarters for a couple of months, we are in awe of how the Lord orchestrated ALL of the details. 

So we headed back to Texas after a whirlwind weekend of seeing God provide again and again :)

We finished packing our PODS and had them shipped to Virginia. They actually left a week before we did, so we camped out in an empty house for a week. Our kiddos quickly discovered the joys of a tiled house with no furniture...and all the echoes that ensue haha! But again, the whole PODS situation was perfect because we are basically just storing those PODS for the next 2 months while we are waiting to get into the rental house. 

In the midst of all the packing and details of moving, we were also saying goodbye to sweet friends and family. We had multiple driveway/car meet-ups and zoom calls, trying to see/talk with people before we left. Our short time frame, my nagging health issues, and COVID made saying goodbye a little tricky. And I know we weren't able to see everyone that we had hoped. But we are so thankful for all of the family and friends who sent texts, Facebook messages, emails of encouragement and support. While goodbyes are not always easy, we realize the incredible blessing of having the love and support of our Texas community behind us as we venture off to Virginia.

Texas is the only home I have ever known. It's a little scary and strange to be leaving it behind for something new and unknown. But we know that the Lord has good things for us in Virginia, too. So we say goodbye to Texas with love and fondness and excitement in our hearts for what's ahead. 

{Too cheesy and sentimental? I can't help it. I'm excited for what's waiting for us in Virginia. But... #TexasForever}  :)

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