Friday, July 3, 2020

VBS 2020 :: KIDZ Adventure Week

This past week, we had VBS at home! Laura told me about Prestonwood putting out their VBS materials online, so we decided to check it out. My kids are still too young for most VBS programs under normal circumstances, so it was nice to have an option for them to "attend" this year at age 3. A silver lining to the pandemic :)

They made the decision to host their program online because of COVID-19, so they did a great job of creating online content: age-appropriate videos, curriculum, resources. Some days, we did all of the activities, other days we just watched the video. It was nice to tailor the material to what worked for us! It was nice to have some new, ready-made material, since we finished up our Toddler School activities back in May. Also, it was a good distraction as we come down from the Grandma and Papa high of last week ;)

Day 1: FOCUS on what you can see.
We can believe God is real, even though we can't see Him, because we can see what He made.

We kicked off VBS week with the fun video, which included songs, fun puppets, and a Bible lesson. Maddie was really excited to stand up and dance, and the boys just sat and watched her and I be silly haha. We went on a nature walk to find things that God has made. Maddie was really excited to point out all the trees, flowers, grass, ants, worms, etc. that she found. We took along our Flat Jesus {Sunday School version of Flat Stanley haha}, but only Eli wanted to take his picture with Flat Jesus and his nature finds. Aiden was just excited to be outside for a walk!

Day 2: You can HEAR from God.
Jesus told a parable about building a house on a rock and another house on sand, and that helped teach us how listening to God helps us make wise choices.

Daddy got to join us on our morning walk! We first examined our own house's foundation, to see if it was firm. Then we headed out on our walk to enjoy the exercise and find some rocks. The rocks were to remind us that we have a strong foundation in Jesus, our Rock. And we got a little more buy-in on taking our photo with Flat Jesus. Zero smiles, but at least they wanted to show their rocks with Jesus haha.

"I want to hold your hand, Mama"

Day 3: You can TALK with others about what you believe.
Jesus loves everyone and wants everyone to love Him back!

Aiden is getting a little more into the music and characters...I even got him to dance a little :)

Day 4: You can PRAY anytime about anything.
Jesus taught us that we can talk to God anytime about anything, and He gave us an example.

We talked a lot about prayer today. We practice praying with the kids at meals and bedtime, and when we want to pray for specific needs/people. If we forget to pray, Eli and Maddie are quick to remind us. It's still hard for them to sit still {and even quiet} during prayer time, but we're working on it ;) 

Day 5: You can LIVE for God by loving others.
Jesus taught us that the greatest thing we can do is love people the way He loves us.

We ended the week with a nice long walk to review all that we had learned, and then spent some time coloring some VBS-themed pages. 


We had a great week! It was fun to have some set activities, and I was excited that the kiddos were engaged and even looked forward to VBS every day. You never know how much they are going to take in, or how much they are going to engage, but I call this week a win for us!

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