Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Operation Turtle Rescue

Mike found a turtle in our backyard a few days ago, and he has been kicking himself that he didn't catch it for the kids to see. Well, this morning, our little turtle friend showed up again, so Mike scooped him up and saved him in a box so we could show them! He waited outside in a box, and we could hear him flop about while we waited to feed the kids breakfast.

We told the kids that Daddy found something fun, and that we would take him back to a safe place. They were so excited to meet their new turtle friend! They even named him Teo {Maddie's suggestion}. We walked him down to the pond at the end of our street to place him back in the water with the other turtles we have seen. But not before we got to look really close at him :)

Turns out, Teo the Turtle had zero interest in returning to the water. He sat there for about 20 seconds, then marched right out of the water and back up the hill toward the houses. The kids thought that was SO fun, as they got to follow it around for a bit. Eli and Maddie wanted to get as close as possible to the turtle, and we had to remind them not to scare it. Aiden was definitely excited and interested, but when the turtle got too close, Aiden would back up. It seemed to be safer from a distance haha.

It was a fun morning adventure to "rescue" our little turtle friend, even if it seemed like he wasn't wanting to be rescued. Again, we're so thankful for the little things, the fun things that bring such a simple joy to our kids. Who says you can't have a wildlife adventure in the suburbs? :)

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