Thursday, August 1, 2019

2019 Goals :: July Check-In

I made it halfway through the year before seeing a slow down on some of these things...that's better than the first couple of months, right?? I hope to pick up some steam again as I finish the last half of the year...

Goal #1: Drink 60oz of water every day
Still haven't made it to a full 60oz every day, but my water intake overall has increased. So I'll take that as a semi-win and keep working at it. Some days I can't get enough water, and other days I sip on sweet tea all day, so...there's that.

Goal #2: Increase my fitness level fitness level this month was pretty much zero. I didn't just sit around haha, it was just such a busy, on-the-go month, so I didn't have much time to focus on any specific exercises. I'm hoping next month will be better. Though it's already looking pretty busy, so we'll have to see how it goes :)

Goal #3: Listen to the Audio Bible daily
This was a still slow-going this month, but I was able to listen to James and 1, 2, 3 John.

Goal #4: Read 55 Books
This month, I read 2 whole books haha. I fell out of a good reading rhythm, but hope to pick back up next month!

Goal #5: Participate in the #150hoursoutside project
Now THIS...we did awesome with this one! We were so busy and on-the-go, and most of that was outside. We are just a few hours short of our yearly goal; I'm going to have to start adding leaves!

Goal #6: Do something creative every month
I have been in home-decorating mode! We have lived in this house for over a year now, and we just now put things up on the walls. You and all. So I have been dreaming and planning and sketching out designs. I have been selling a lot of the decor from our old houses {that just doesn't work as well in this house}, as well as some baby/kid items, so that I can save a little money and shop some sales to decorate this house. It's still a major work in progress, but I think it's coming together pretty well! At least not all of our walls are bare now haha. I'll try to post a home tour at some point, but here are a couple of the DIY decorations I worked on this month:

Goal #7: Be more intentional with discipling Eli and Maddie
We continued with our Hero Training and learned about the character traits of Diligence, Joy, and Patience. We skipped a couple of weeks during swim lessons, so we're a little behind, but Eli and Maddie still love learning about heroes!

Mike went to the Acts 29 Global Gathering for work and brought back books for everyone. He brought the kiddos The Biggest Story ABC board book, and they love it! It has been on my wish list for them, and I was so excited to add it to our library. It's so good!

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