Friday, April 26, 2019

Aiden :: 8 Months


My sweet boy, time is just flying by so fast! You are growing like crazy, and are basically gigantic, so your Daddy and I find ourselves trying to soak up as much of this "baby" stage as we possibly can. And that basically means extra snuggles whenever and wherever we can get them. I have a feeling that is going to get harder very soon, as you are on the verge of moving. And I think we won't be able to hold on to you very much, as you just want to be on the go all the time. But you will always be our baby boy, so you better just get used to the snuggles, because we will force them on you haha. We love you so much!



Stats :: 25 pounds. Yep.

Clothing/Diaper Size :: you are wearing size 18 month clothes {I tried really hard to keep you in 12 month clothes longer, but your little belly just wasn't having it haha} and size 4 diapers {with size 5 overnight diapers}

Loves :: putting everything in your mouth, bouncing, eating

Dislikes :: waiting to eat, not being able to run with your brother and sister

Eat :: your eating habits are still about the same. you have a bottle when you wake up and before you go to sleep {whether that's nap or bed time}. I often wonder if cluster feeding is still a thing at your age, because you spend a lot of your afternoons basically drinking a bottle every 30-45 minutes. as best as I can estimate, you are drinking 35-40 ounces a day. you have started to get the hang of solid foods! most everything still has to be mashed up, but you can pound the solids haha. this month you tried plums, potatoes, green beans, mangoes, corn, broccoli, and the Happy Baby Teething Wafers. your favorites still seem to be peas and avocados, but you also have added broccoli to that list.

Sleep :: you are still sleeping well through the night, 8pm to 7am. for the most part, you have dropped the third nap, but every now and then still need it if your other naps aren't great. but most days you take a 1 to 1.5 hour nap in the morning, and a 1.5 to 3 hour nap in the afternoon. 

Play/Development :: you want to move SO badly! you finally rolled, but you just don't like to do that very often. with your brother and sister, as soon as I put them down, they rolled. you just don't seem interested in that. but you like sitting up. and you have been perfecting the butt scoot haha! you don't use your arms though; instead you just bounce up and down on your bottom and somehow seem to move from one place to the other, and pretty quickly too. you just recently started putting your arms out to try to crawl, but you haven't quite figured that out yet. you fall forward A LOT, which means you are on your belly, which you STILL don't like. but you're working on it! if you fall backwards, you actually have pretty decent ab strength to pull yourself back up; it's pretty impressive! you are trying to pull up on short things - toys, people if they're sitting next to you, etc.

Unique to You :: you are pretty much a creature of habit, little man. you are happy most of the day, except when you are hungry. and then you can really let us know you are unhappy. but once we feed you, you are back to your happy self again. you roll with the punches pretty easily, seemingly undeterred by changes to your routine or schedule {as long as you are fed!} you are starting to get a little more frustrated with your inability to move around, but we think it will only motivate you all that much more. because you are just so anxious to be running and playing with Eli and Maddie and Sasha!


  1. I think cluster feeding is still a thing! Sam does it every morning...yesterday he must have eating five times between 7 and 9 a.m. And I do it on afternoons I forget to have a snack and then next thing I know I've eaten four granola bars haha

    1. Ugh...thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one! Aiden basically cluster fed the first 2 months of his life, so I shouldn't be surprised by it, but the twins never did so this is new to me! Especially since we use bottles haha
