Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Shepherd's Treasure :: The Lost Sheep

For Easter this year, we started a new tradition with our kiddos. We first heard about The Shepherd's Treasure through a co-worker of Mike's; Mike actually works with the illustrator! We were not able to do the Christmas version {the original version} this past year, but when I saw that they have an Easter edition, I decided to give it a try. 

So what is The Shepherd's Treasure? Think "Jesus-centered version of Elf on the Shelf." Each day, we followed the shepherd on his quest to find his lost sheep. There's a card for every day, along with suggested ideas on how to "pose" your shepherd for your kiddos to find him. Each card reveals a different part of Jesus' journey to the cross. They provide a shopping list so you can have everything prepared ahead of time, but it was all super simple {many items we already had around the house}.

Full disclosure: I liked how most of this was really simple and the ideas for setting it up were included. It certainly isn't winning any Pinterest awards, but I like that. However, I was somewhat disappointed in the actual content. I didn't feel like things were explained well, and I found a few things worded in ways that I would do differently. So we might be re-writing the content for next year, and I will be scrutinizing the Christmas version more closely.

Eli and Maddie were excited to find their shepherd every morning. Sometimes they listed to the Bible verse/lesson, sometimes they didn't. Most days they fought over who got to play with "fill-in-the-blank." Some of the truths stuck, some didn't. We didn't name our shepherd this year, mostly because I got blank stares when I asked Eli and Maddie what they wanted to name him. Or they wanted to name him McCullough {which is Maddie's response to anything to do with a name haha}. But I think overall, with twin 2 year old toddlers {and a 7 month old!}, this was a success :)

Here is our journey with our shepherd this year {if you follow me on Instagram, this is just a recap of what I already posted}:

Day 1

Our shepherd received lots of welcome kisses and an honored seat at the breakfast table with Mickey and Minnie

Day 2

Eli and Maddie were excited to find their shepherd this morning, but were most excited about the donkey. Which was ok, because Aiden took a liking to the shepherd.

Day 3

We waved palm branches and sang "Hosanna!" {and then subsequently fought over who got to play with the donkey}

Day 4

There was so much excitement about opening the shepherd's egg to see/smell what was inside {a perfumed heart}. And then there were so many tears over holding the egg, the egg breaking apart, the egg being open, the egg being closed... But then we sang "hosanna!" and talked about how much Jesus loves us.

Day 5

Today was more somber as we talked about sin and how it makes God sad. So thankful for Jesus, and His display of love on the cross!

Day 6

We learned how Jesus washed the disciples' feet. We talked about Jesus humbling Himself and becoming a servant. And then I got to wash Eli and Maddie's feet.

Day 7
This particular morning, our shepherd was enjoying a feast with his friends. Which just made Eli and Maddie "hung-ee" despite the fact we JUST had breakfast haha. As we countdown to Easter, I am realizing this stuffed animal and toy recreation of Jesus' journey to the cross is just as much for me as it is for my kiddos. I'm thankful for these moments every day to stop and consider the weight and glory of the cross.

Day 8

Today we talked about Gethsemane. We learned that Jesus chose to trust and obey God even though He knew it would be hard. Such a big truth for little hearts.

Day 9

Our shepherd got a few owies on his journey last night. It reminded us of how Jesus was hurt on His way to the cross, and we talked about the sacrifice He made so our sins could be forgiven. Eli and Maddie were VERY upset that their shepherd was hurt. I pray that their concern over the stuffed doll will be the seeds to understanding the sacrifice Jesus made on their behalf.

Day 10
Today our shepherd was hiding behind a curtain to remind us of the "curtain" of sin that separates us from God. But praise Jesus that His death on the cross means we no longer are separated from Him! Eli and Maddie walked around today saying "Thank You, Jesus!" for this Good Friday :)

Day 11

We helped our shepherd out from under some rocks this morning! It reminded us of the BIG rock that was rolled in front of the tomb where Jesus was laid. And then we hauled rocks in our dump truck :)

Day 12 - Easter!

He is risen! Our shepherd found his lost sheep, and we are rejoicing that Jesus is alive! Heaven throws a party when one of God's lost sheep is found, so we celebrated with some fun spring toys and an Easter egg hunt. He is risen indeed!


So our shepherd's journey is over for this year, and we may see him around again at Christmas. Happy Easter!

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