Monday, November 3, 2014

It's an Executive Assistant Life

Each month, my company sends out an employee newsletter. It's a fun way to see what's going on in other parts {and cities} of the company. They typically do a department spotlight, and this month, the executive assistants were highlighted!

We have never really been a department before. But now that we are 4 strong {ha!} we qualify to be our own entity :)  We often joke that people don't seem to understand what all our job entails. It definitely is a multi-skill that we all enjoy. To keep things fun, I came up with this photo to describe our job:

I am thankful to work with such amazing ladies. They are professional and hard working, but I have grown to develop deep friendships with them. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful colleagues, and they definitely make my job so much better!

The candid ones are always the best :)

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