Friday, August 26, 2022

Aiden :: 4 Years

Happy 4th birthday to our sweet Aiden!

My Sweet Aiden, 

You are not really sticking to our agreement that you will stay tiny, never grow, and be my little baby boy forever... but oh, what a joy this past year has been! I think 3-year-old-Aiden has been the most fun, and we are just constantly smiling at the things you say, the silly and expressive faces you make, and the goofy things you do. You are still obsessed with garbage trucks, and you are the "neighborhood watch"- you know every delivery that's made, what neighbors are doing, who hasn't pulled in their recycling cans yet haha. You are still madly in love with your Pooh Bear, but you have also added Panda, Aiden-Bear, and Dinosaur {to stand guard outside your bedroom door} to the armful of items you carry around with you all day. And of course, we can't forget your blanket and pillow; you don't even use the pillow haha; you just keep it in your bed and carry it with your arsenal of stuffies. You are constantly on-the-go, always ready for adventure, wondering where we are going next; you would live outside if I let you! You love stories, both listening to and telling them, and your expressions when relaying information are priceless. You want to do everything your brother and sister do, and I often forget that you are still a good bit younger. But I love how close you three are, and I pray that you always have a strong bond. Despite how big you are getting, you are still our little snuggle bug, and my heart melts every time you yell from across the room as if you are going to ask for something:

Aiden: Mama?
Me: Yes, Aiden?
Aiden: I love you!

Sweet Boy, Daddy and I are so thankful for you. We cannot wait to see what this next year brings, and we pray that your expressive personality is used to draw people in, love them well, and show them the unimaginable joy that only Jesus can bring. Happy Birthday, Aiden. We love you!


Stats :: 44 pounds, 42.75 inches tall

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