Thursday, May 21, 2020

Social Distancing :: Day 70

Texas started its Phase 2 re-opening this week. We haven't met any of the requirements for re-opening {in terms of declining cases}, so I'll be curious to see how that plays out. We haven't seen the crazy high spikes that some people anticipated, but we'll see if we can hold onto our luck in the next, broader phase. 

I have been asked when I think I can start getting out more. And the simple answer is "I don't really know." Mike goes to the grocery store every few weeks. I have run a couple of drive-thru, contactless errands, and I took the kids to their eye doctor appointments. That was a big deal for me. I don't "live in fear" as some might assume, but it is nerve-wracking when not everyone abides by the same social distancing guidelines. Other than that, we have been home {or at least in our neighborhood}. We're taking extra precautions because I am immunosuppressed, and we just don't know what my risks actually are. Unfortunately, I'm no sure we will really know anytime soon either.

I feel confident in my ability to wash my hands and keep a safe distance from most {kind and considerate} people. But I have to factor in 3 tiny people that touch ALL THE THINGS and have zero impulse control. So that really limits our ability to be out in the world haha. Because I know not to touch my face or sneeze on other people, but they don't quite understand that yet. And so we wait. And pray. And ask for wisdom in all of this chaotic mess that is COVID-19.

Nap Time Update
We had one glorious day where Eli and Maddie stayed in their beds during nap time, and we celebrated big, with popsicles on the front porch and a walk around the neighborhood {big in their world}. But it was just that one glorious day...and sadly we are on day 10 of separating them from their WWE match and sitting on squares as a consequence for disobedience. I'm definitely ready for this phase to be over, 1) so we can go back to fun outside activities after nap time, and 2) so I can have my personal time back to get things done while they sleep. That's a little hard to do with the current set up of a child sleeping next to me...

The Chosen
Have you heard about this series? Several people mentioned it to me before I finally decided to watch it. And I loved it so much, that I had to share it here! It's a series about the life of Christ, produced by VidAngel, and entirely crowd-funded. They are raising the money as they go, because they want to produce the series outside of the Hollywood system. I don't usually like Christian video production {overly cheesy, bad acting, anyone?}. But these are so well done. I actually cried in several of the episodes, because they made me feel like I was there, walking with Jesus. I didn't want it to end! I can't wait for Season 2 to be filmed and shared!

You can watch the whole first season for free on YouTube or you can download their app to watch the episodes {I did the latter}. Forewarning, they will ask you to contribute funds, but you don't have to in order to watch the episodes for free. Personally, I did choose to pay it forward, because it was that good, and I wanted others to be able to enjoy it as much as I did. Several people have felt the same way, which is how others can view it for free :)

The Chosen

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