Thursday, March 6, 2025

Health Check-In :: Colonoscopy

In January, I was working through a Shingles diagnosis and needed to take a second round of the anti-viral. Thankfully, I was cleared after that round, and then I was able to get back on Stelara. The time that I was off Stelara, which was about 3 weeks, I didn't have a migraine, which was a huge blessing! And also a major confirmation of how much I hate the side effects of this medication.

I had also had an MR Enterography, which showed inflammation in my ileum, so my GI wanted to do a colonoscopy to further evaluate. The prep for a colonoscopy is never fun, and because this one was scheduled later in the day, I had more fasting time. Which sadly triggered the return of my migraines. Thankfully, I was able to take my rescue med before I had to drink the prep, so it was able to circulate in my body long enough to work and carry me through the whole process.

I had the generic of Suprep this time, and the downside was that it tasted sweeter than the name brand, which made it harder to get down. But my overall increased water intake over the past year made the additional 32 ounces of water after each round a walk in the park! I still had to sit in front of a heater outside the bathroom, because the massive amount of liquid in a short time made my whole body shiver with cold. But the upside is that I got more sleep overnight, and ultimately made it through.

Bottoms up!

When I got out of the procedure, my GI was actually very pleased with what he saw. He said that things looked better than what he expected, and that he wasn't overly concerned. That we would wait on the biopsy results and then make decisions from there.

The biopsy results came back with no evidence of pre-cancerous changes {huge praise!}. But we still have the discrepancy between the MRE and colonoscopy. He spoke with the radiologist, who is theorizing that the inflammation is deeper than what the colonoscopy can show on the surface. Because all of my other markers are good right now {no symptoms, good biopsy results, good labs}, the plan is to keep my medication the same and monitor things. I don't love the idea of inflammation simmering under the surface {literally}, because long term inflammation causes damage. But there's not much else I can do about it, except pray. Pray that Stelara continues to target the inflammation, or that other issues become apparent so that we can address them more specifically {hence the monitoring}.

So for now, I praise God for no cancer and no surface inflammation. I praise Him for no symptoms and good labs. And I will continue praying for remission to hold and strength to endure the side effects in the meantime. And a cure. Always praying for a cure for this awful disease...

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