Friday, February 3, 2023

High Five for Friday!

{one} We are starting to feel a little more settled in the house each week. Our contractor finished up all of the remodel work this week, so that is officially complete! It will still take a bit more time to get all the boxes unpacked and all the things in their place...but we're getting there. We are loving the house and the neighborhood, and we are still in awe of how the Lord provided. This house is a blessing, for sure, so we are already starting to pray through how we may use it to bless those who walk through our doors.

{two} I had my wisdom teeth out at the beginning of January, and I guess I just thought it would be quick and easy. But I guess there is a reason that most people get them out in their 20s, rather when they are an old, tired mom of 3 haha. It has been a rough road of recovery; so much so, that I feel like I basically lost all of the month of January. Thankfully I was able to manage most of the pain with just Tylenol, but I ended up with a dry socket on one side and an infection {that required reopening the incision} on the other side. The first round of antibiotics that they gave me after the surgery {a precaution because of my immune issues} ripped up my stomach. And when I got the infection, I had to go on a stronger antibiotic {also not kind to my stomach}. It has been one thing after another, and I am still working through healing. So much for quick and easy!

{three} Despite the rocky start to the year, we did finally start back to school. It was a bit rough, since we had taken off so much time over the holidays and for the move, and then we missed a few days once we started because of Mommy's tooth struggles. So it hasn't been a beautiful, fresh start to the new school semester haha. But we're getting the hang of it, and I was quickly reminded of some of the reasons we homeschool. The flexibility, the freedom, and knowing that if we miss a day, it's not the end of the world, because we can easily catch up the next day. While they may not love every minute of it, and there is plenty of complaining all kids are troopers and are doing really well overall this year. I'm really proud of the progress they have made, and I am thankful that we have the opportunity to homeschool.

{four} In the midst of unpacking, starting back to school, and dealing with tooth drama...Aiden has decided to start, um, exploring more. His curiosity is getting the better of him, and it often results in huge messes and destruction. Almost on the daily, during rest time, he will pull out everything from his closet and spread it out in his room. Sometimes he will rip things up so there is a huge mess to vacuum up. Sometimes he'll sneak out of his room and become "curious" in the bathroom. I have walked in to toothpaste smeared across the counter and sink. Or him "accidentally" attempting to flush things down the toilet. For the most part, his antics seem curiosity {and impulse} driven, rather than actual naughtiness. He's fairly willing to clean up his messes. But this Mama is at a loss on how to keep him busy and occupied enough to stop all these antics. Eli and Maddie had a "get into everything" stage when they were toddlers...but Aiden is in a whole other category on his own.

{five} February is going to be a busy month for us! We have put off quite a few things due to the move {and subsequently the chaos that was January}, so our calendar is already packed. But we are in full swing of school and ministry, and we have some fun things planned over the course of February. Here's hoping my teeth and overall health cooperate :)

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