Sunday, June 28, 2020

A Week with Grandma and Papa

My parents quarantined for 2 weeks so that they could come visit, and we were so glad to see them! It was a big ask, but we are so thankful that the Lord worked out all of the details for them to come. We have missed Grandma and Papa SO much, and it was so good to have them here for a few days.

Our kiddos were on CLOUD NINE. Seriously, Mike and I might as well have not existed haha. To have undivided Grandma and Papa time is so precious, and they ate. it. up. Since we're still social distancing, we stuck around the house for the week, but that was not a problem. There was still plenty of fun to be had!

I read a lot of books to my kids all day, every day. But I have my limits, and often have to tell them no {because they would never stop}. But when Grandma and Papa are here, there are no limits, so they get endless time reading book after book after book...  and working on puzzles. Lots of puzzles.

Grandma helped fix a stuffed animal that needed sewing, and then Eli wanted her to fix ALL THE THINGS. Grandma was so patient to sit and mend stuffed animals, explaining what she was doing along the way.

But it's summertime, so there was also lots of time to play outside! The kiddos got to go on walks with Grandma and Papa, but they needed to stretch first, of course :)

And of course, we had to play in the water! We got to show Grandma and Papa our fun new splash pad, and running through the water is WAY more fun with Grandma is willing to run through it with you! And Papa had the all-important job of making sure the hose stayed connected so we didn't lose any of our water sprays :)

It was a full, FUN week, and we are so thankful! Thankful for this sweet time, for making fun memories, for the ability to see family. We have a few sad kiddos today, since Grandma and Papa had to head home, but we're thankful for the time we had with them. Until the next visit!

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