Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Last Day of School!

We wrapped up a little early this year {we worked really hard!}, and now we have officially have 2 second graders and a first grader!

Eli did so well this year. He worked hard, improving his language arts skills and making great progress in handwriting and reading. Math is definitely his strength; he grasped the concepts so quickly, and often walked around the house spouting off math equations. He also really loved history and human body science this year!

Maddie also made great progress this year, making huge strides in her reading and is showing great overall fluency. She excelled at spelling and handwriting, often writing little notes for us! Math was not her favorite subject this year, but she persevered, and I am so proud that she didn't give up. She also really loved history and animal science this year!

I am so proud of my Aiden! This kid was technically in Kindergarten, but he had no problem keeping up with his 1st grade siblings! He caused more jealousy because he got to take more breaks than they did, but he also didn't want to be left out of too many things either haha. He hung in there for most of 1st grade math and language arts, and he did history and science right alongside Eli and Maddie. His reading is coming along really well, and he's looking forward to 1st grade {with a little of 2nd grade work sprinkled in!}

This was the first year that I have to show proof of progress for Eli and Maddie. In Virginia, we have the option to test or do an evaluation, and I chose an evaluation. I wasn't quite sure they would be ready for a standardized test yet, based on their current reading levels {thought now that we have made it to the end of the year, I think we might have been ok}. But I also think that spending an entire week on testing is just unnecessary at this age, and we will have plenty of time for it in the future. 

For the evaluation, we had to obtain a letter from a licensed teacher or someone with a Master's degree or higher in an academic discipline. The letter must state the child's educational growth and progress over the academic year. I chose an outside evaluator {someone we didn't know}, a former public school teacher turned homeschool mom/entrepreneur who now offers evaluations, tutoring, educational resources. I submitted a portfolio for each kid ahead of time, that basically showed samples of Eli and Maddie's work throughout the year, our curriculum list, extracurricular activities, etc. And then we had a zoom call to discuss their progress! Eli and Maddie did great; they answered her questions, did a fantastic job reading her a book of their choice, and sharing a few projects with her. 

We got our official letters, finished up our last few days of school, and now we are looking forward to our summer! We actually have some school things planned for the summer {gotta keep up our reading and math skills!}...but we will be taking about a month off, and our summer work will be light. There will still be plenty of time for summer fun! :)

Monday, May 13, 2024

Mother's Day 2024

For Mother's Day this year, my sweet kiddos surprised me with some beautiful flowers and chocolate cake from Sam's! {Which if you know, Sam's only sells the giant chocolate cakes for special occasions now, so it was a huge treat to see them walk through the door with it haha}

When I woke up on Mother's Day, I got a round of sweet hugs, and Maddie told me, "you are the best mother." They had each made me a card, so I got to hear them tell me all about what they had drawn, and it honestly was the best gift. They were all excited to tell me about their artwork and stickers, and show me what they had written, so proud of what they had made for me.

After church, I was able to come home and take a nap, and then watch the kids play soccer outside while I called my mom and chatted with her. It was a pretty laid back day, and I'm glad I got to spend it with my favorite people :)

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

{iPhone Rewind} :: April

Night 1 of building rockets at Boys Brigade!

Superhero of Birds, Superhero of Beauty, and Superhero of Army!

Flowers from my favorite person :)

First day of soccer! I'm helping with Aiden's team again this season, and I love my little soccer buddy!

On the windy days, the planes change their flight pattern and fly really low...

Getting ice cream with this cutie :)

When your church members have cool vehicles :)

Never a dull moment. Not a clue what's happening here, but they're having a grand time :)

Handwriting time! {and I know it's not proper posture...we just needed a change of pace for this day}

Loving our new Kingdom of God Storybook Bible

Movie Night!

We found a fun new park to play at...too bad it was 50 degrees and rainy in April haha. Kids didn't seem to mind.

Drumming brothers :)

Eli made his own guitar!

Bedtime conversations with Maddie :)

Praying for Jesse and Linda after celebrating their engagement

Back to freezing the end of April

Concentrating hard on his handwriting practice

Game day!

Rocket launch day :)

Saturday, April 20, 2024

One Year Later :: A Migraine Win!

It has been a full year since I first saw my neurologist, and I have been reflecting on my progress. It has definitely been slow and steady, and I haven't always been convinced that the treatment is working, or is even overall beneficial. 

I still struggle with the fact that I am taking a medication to chase a {different} medication side effect. I thought that maybe with time and improvement that I would get over that, but I haven't found that to be the case. I still feel slightly uncomfortable with it. That's probably because I haven't seen massive improvement in my migraines, and I don't necessarily "have my life back," so it's still sitting as this weird question mark on whether or not I made the right decision. 

I also have not loved how I have felt on this medication {migraines aside}. The neurologist had told me that I could experience side effects from it {lovely}, and while it wasn't too pronounced at first, I am starting to feel it more the longer that I am on it. It has been strange things like paresthesia {random numbness and tingling in my arms and legs}, but it has also included things like memory problems or feeling more emotional or agitated. Right now these side effects are manageable, but I have to work at them; meaning, I have to work harder at focusing and remembering what I am doing, or managing my emotions and my irritability, because I can physically feel it. And while I absolutely have control over those things, it's frustrating that I am now fighting a medication that heightens those things, does that make sense? Sigh. So it's just an added piece that makes things harder. And I have to weigh how beneficial it really is.

When I started taking the maintenance medication, I was experiencing 15-20 headache days a month. Almost immediately, that kicked down to 12-15 headache days, which was a big win, but I have still been getting fairly bad migraines at least once a week. While I will absolutely take that over what I was experiencing before {beggars can't be choosers, right?}, it has still been really tough knowing that I am taking medication to chase a medication side effect, that comes with its own side effects. 

Now, having a rescue medication has made a huge difference because my treatment of Tylenol and an ice pack wasn't really cutting it before. But now I can take my rescue med when I feel a migraine coming on, and it usually knocks out the migraine, and I can be pain free! Also a huge win! The downside is that it has taken some time for me to figure out the right timing on the rescue med, since I can only take so many at a time and in a month. In addition, I have found that I will take my rescue med, the migraine will go away, but as soon as the medicine wears off, the migraine comes raging back. If I take a second pill, the migraine goes away again {which is great}, but if that then wears off, and the migraine comes raging back again, then I'm stuck. I can't take another pill. And that has happened fairly often in the last few months, which is a fairly frustrating process. So then I find myself weighing my schedule and what things are most important and what things I can miss and timing out the pills based on that, and it's kind of a balancing act and just a weird mess. 

I have also learned a ton about all of my new fun migraine triggers. The weather is the main one, and I can't really do much about that. I have an app that gives me a heads up about pressure shifts, and it's pretty accurate and 9 times out of 10, I'll get a migraine at the same time I get a notification. So while I can't prevent the migraine, at least I have a heads up it's coming {or at least I have a confirmation of the pressure building up behind my eyeball haha}.  Also, crying. For some reason, the act of crying triggers a migraine, and that's really frustrating, considering that the migraine maintenance medication has a side effect of making me more emotional...which causes me to cry more than I normally would. So I find myself feeling like I want to cry more than I normally would, but I also find myself trying to suppress that crying because I don't want to trigger a migraine. Make it make sense.

Another big one is certain strong smells- all candles, strong perfumes, food scents, and smoke are out. I catch a whiff and I have to immediately get to fresh air or it will trigger a migraine. Even the smell of smoke on Mike's clothes from a bonfire is enough. It's so sad, and he is so gracious to shower and put his clothes in the washer before he comes upstairs. Also, heat and squinting in the sun {??} is an automatic migraine. I have to be sure I have my sunglasses with me at all times, and I have to actively focus on not squinting or frowning while I'm outside haha. I feel so high maintenance about it now, but it's just not worth the migraine later.

As I type all this out, I realize it sounds ridiculous. Because it is. I know it is, but when you suffer from migraines, you will do anything and everything to avoid them. You will deal with the weird side effects to get some measure of relief...because they are THAT BAD. It's not just a headache. It is so much more than a headache.

So this has been my year. A long, slow journey {not unlike my Crohn's journey, so I guess it's just my overall health journey}. I had been averaging 1 migraine a week, some of them lasting 2-3 days. That seemed to be my new "normal."  


My huge migraine win? Is that I went 20 days without a migraine. 20 days! And then on top of that, I took my rescue med, the migraine went away, and it didn't immediately come back! This is a HUGE win! 

Will this repeat? I have no idea. But I just have to pause and recognize this victory for what it is. Because I have not gone that long without a migraine in over 2 years. 2 years. Cue the tears...but not too many ;) 

And that gives me hope, and a little bit of strength to keep fighting the weird and hard side effects. Because that's 20 days of NOT having to manage a migraine. Thank you, Jesus!

Monday, April 8, 2024

{Partial} Solar Eclipse 2024

We were not in the path of totality for the 2024 Solar Eclipse, but we did have 88% coverage, so it was still a pretty cool thing to watch! All of our Texas friends and family were in the path of totality, so we got to see all of their excitement and hear about their experiences. Plus, it was a great way to add a little extra to our homeschool day! #science

We got our official eclipse glasses, and I made sure they were kid-safe {no chance of peeking over the glasses = the paper plate}. We pulled up some camping chairs, and joined our neighbors in the cul-de-sac to watch the show!

It was fun to enjoy the eclipse with our neighbors, and the kids really loved it! Maddie kept saying, "I love this. I love this SO much!" Haha. It was also fun to have Daddy and Mr. David there with us; it was just a fun party, watching the glory of God's creation.

I had also made a pinhole viewer for the eclipse. I didn't get a great photo of the eclipse part, but the viewer itself actually worked. 

It's crazy to think that the kids will be grown the next time there is a total eclipse in the U.S. I pray that we can gather again with them and look back at these photos and see if they remember it.

Until 2044! :)