Tuesday, June 4, 2024

{Tying the Knot} :: Uncle Michael & Aunt Vi

The wedding day {for us} started off with getting ready at my parents' house. My aunt came over to do my mom and Maddie's hair, which was just another fun pampering thing for our flower girl! Daddy was on hair duty for the boys :)

After we were dressed and ready, we then joined up with the rest of the bridal party. It was pouring down rain, but thankfully everyone was a good sport and in good spirits, and the rain eventually cleared out in time to travel to the ceremony venue. Maddie got her flower girl crown, and the boys got their boutonnieres, and we had a chance to grab some pictures.

The only way I get good smile pictures is if I agree to do a silly picture after. Deal.

The kids even asked Uncle Michael to do a silly face picture haha

When we made it over to the venue, it was time to hurry up and....wait some more! Haha. I know that there is so much that goes on during the wedding day. As the wedding planner, you are running around behind the scenes. As the bride, the day goes by so fast. But as the flower girl, ring bearer, and ring security, the day goes by SO. SLOW. And it's SO. BORING. And you have to wait SO. MUCH. Haha. But honestly, the kids did so great. Considering how long the day was and how much they did have to wait around without anything "fun" to do, they had great attitudes. I was super proud of them. And I am so grateful for all of the kind helpers who helped keep them entertained throughout the day. They felt included and cared for, and I am just so thankful.

They absolutely ADORE Aunt Vi...I mean, she's super fun! :)

Before the guests arrived, Michael and Vi did a private foot washing and oil anointing ceremony. It was really sweet, and I am thankful they let us witness it.

And then all of a sudden, the guests started arriving, the kids lined up, the "I do's" were said, and they were married! It was a beautiful ceremony, and the kids fulfilled their duties perfectly :)  The kids had to walk along a sidewalk to the side of the building, which had large windows where you could see them before they entered back in to walk the aisle. I still don't know what set the boys off to start running down the sidewalk, but they slowed in time to nicely walk down the aisle and deliver the ring box to Uncle Michael. Maddie girl took her flower girl duties seriously, wanting to drop every single flower that was in her basket haha. In her defense, it was a very short aisle ;)

Mr. and Mrs.

Our new family!

The reception after was filled with BBQ, fun group photos, and dancing. The kids were glad to be done with their official duties, the boys were happy to take their jackets off, and it was sweet to see my brother with his new bride.

They were so proud

And then it was time to party! And boy, did my kids party! I don't think Aiden stopped jumping for a full hour and a half haha. They LOVED the dancing and the glow sticks and the music and the attention and the fun. And they had an absolute blast! Party animals.

It was a whirlwind of a week, but we are so glad we could be a part of the festivities. Despite all of the rain and the change in plans, we saw friends and family come together to love and serve Michael and Vi, and ultimately honor Jesus. Maddie got to dress like a princess, and basically lived on cloud nine all week with all the wedding things. My boys were so handsome in their suits and took their job of "guarding the rings" seriously. I gained a new sister and 2 new nieces. 

Congratulations Uncle Michael and Aunt Vi! We love you!

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