Sunday, June 30, 2024

{iPhone Rewind} :: June

They have been pulling out this math game on their own...and they think it's fun! I call that a homeschool mom win! ;)

We have a full raspberry harvest!

We're shocked the deer haven't found them yet, and we have been enjoying these sweet treats in our backyard :)

Aiden lost his first tooth! It was an emotional roller coaster of a day {we were excited, and then we were fearful, and then we were sad to lose such a faithful tooth companion, and then we were brave and excited again}, but it finally came out and we geared up for the next one!

Mike ended up with Covid when we got back from Texas, and we did our best to quarantine, but Maddie ended up with a fever and going down for a couple of days. Thankfully it didn't last long, but poor thing was pretty pitiful for a bit...

Eli has really taken an interest in geography recently...I need to brush up on my map skills ;)

Summer is in full swing, and we are loving our time at the pool!

A sweet friend gifted us some Raddish boxes, and we have been enjoying honing our cooking skills

The deer are back! They found the berries in our backyard, and this doe paused long enough for Maddie to wave a "hello!" :)

Watching these two play games is fairly entertaining...the opposite least until the frustrations rise ;)

We're doing some math review this summer...can you tell who is the least excited??

We kicked off our Women's Summer Book Club! Love these women and their hearts to stay connected with each other and God's Word :)

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