Friday, June 14, 2024

A Week with Old {and New} Friends

This past week, some sweet old friends came to visit! The Lilleys have been on a cross-country family vacation, and one of their stops was D.C. - and we were more than excited to see old friends! Of course, old for me and Mike, but it was new friends for our kids, which was also such a sweet thing to have our kids spend time together. 

On Sunday, we had them over for dinner and the Mavs game, and it was good to catch up and have our kids meet! Some of them had actually met last summer when we were in Texas, but this was the first time they had actually had the chance to spend time together. And I love how kids become instant best friends, inviting each other to their birthday parties ;)

Aiden living his best life {again} - watching the Mavs and staying up past his bedtime :)

On Monday, we headed into D.C. for some museum fun! We rode the Metro, which was a fun adventure for the kids. Poor Aiden tripped in the parking garage at the train station and skinned his knees pretty bad, so he had a rough ride in, but once we got him some bandaids and in the museums with friends, he seemed to perk up.

We started the day at the Natural History Museum, and then enjoyed a picnic lunch by the Washington Monument, while the kids played "an epic game of tag" :)

We then went to see the transportation exhibit at the American History Museum, which was really cool! We didn't see the rest of the museum {and will have to go back}, because we had timed-entry tickets for the Air & Space Museum.

It was pretty crowded, so it was hard to see a lot of the exhibits, and I can't decide if I even liked it. I'm so used to the museum in Chantilly {which we go to all the time}, and I think I'm partial to it. After, we let the kids enjoy some of the most expensive ice cream cones they will ever eat to wrap up the day! ;)

Later in the week, the boys got to go to the zoo with the Lilleys. Maddie had been sick the day before, so we wanted her to stay back and rest. She was sad to miss the fun, but it was the right call, and the boys had a blast!

Later that evening, Maddie was well enough to join back up for dinner and a campfire with our friends on their last night. It was fun to just hang out, throw frisbees, roast s'mores, catch fireflies, and just enjoy the summer night with friends.

We had such a sweet time with friends, and we are so thankful that they were willing to make the trek to see us! It's a blessing to have friendships that span decades, and a blessing to get to see where the Lord takes our friends over the years- in their ministries and families. I'm thankful that our kids had the opportunity to spend time together, to build friendships with a sweet family that has meant so much to me and Mike over the years. 

Until next time, Lilley family! :)

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