Monday, June 17, 2024

Father's Day 2024

For Father's Day, we got to celebrate Mike for a few minutes before he headed off to church. The kids were overly excited to give their gifts to him. We were in the grocery store, and Eli stopped me and said, "Mommy! We have to get these for Daddy!" He spotted some spicy Pringles and he knew that his Daddy might enjoy them ;)

Each of the kids had made their own special cards for Mike, with their own special artwork, and they each had to take the time to explain their designs. There were fun drawings and stickers and cutouts.

The main gift we gave Mike was personalized socks with the kids artwork! The kids each drew a special design, I submitted it to DivvyUp Socks, and they put the designs on a pair of socks. The kids were SO proud of their designs and couldn't wear for Daddy to wear them. And of course, their sweet Daddy was happy to oblige ;)

The individual designs, per our little artists:

Eli's guitar design

Maddie's Daddy-Maddie design

Aiden's Daddy-Aiden design

Happy Father's Day to our favorite guy! Thank you for loving our kids well, and for being the best Daddy!

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