Thursday, August 22, 2024

Summer Reading 2024

We did our summer reading again this year, and the kids were more than excited to rack up their stickers to earn their reading rewards! :)

We used a different tracker this year, so our sticker count was a little different, but the concept was the same. The kids got a sticker for either doing a lesson in their book, or picking a book to read. I found there were better attitudes when they got to choose their reading for the day. Eli and Maddie are doing really well with their reading, but still need some help with getting through some tougher words. Aiden has made some good progress, but has needed some extra practice this summer. But they're all on track for their age and development, so we will keep practicing every day to get their reading skills up!

We started late in June because of our trip to Texas and having friends in town, so it was fairly easy to hit our first goal. The kids picked ice cream as their first reward, so we made a trip to Baskin Robbins. It was a definite winner!

July and August were pretty busy, but we continued plugging along with our reading. It was also a bit hotter outside, so we felt more stuck inside so might as well read, right? ;)  The chosen reward to wrap up the summer was Sweet Frog! :)

Our summer read-alouds were the books we didn't finish over the past school year. I'm trying to find more audio books so I don't have to do all of the reading myself; it just saves time when we can listen to our books, and Mommy can still get lunch started or fold laundry or make dinner. And it saves my voice :)

It was a good summer of reading, and we look forward to working more on our reading skills as we head into the new school year!

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