Wednesday, July 31, 2024

{iPhone Rewind} :: July

A nice cool morning = summer school on the porch

Sibling antics

Early morning walk in the neighborhood <3

We have bird eggs in our birdhouse! We have been watching 2 birds build and guard the nest, and we were pretty positive it meant eggs :)

Flower from my love

We had a great week at VBS! Our spent a week at the Son Harvest County Fair, learning about the fruits of the Spirit!

Brothers working nicely together :)

The kids sang one of their VBS songs at church :)

We had a heat wave, and it was starting to feel too much like Texas...feeling like 97 at 8:40pm!! We have gotten so spoiled with our Virginia weather haha.

Bedhead cutie!

Pooh Bear antics :)

I went out to fill the bird feeder and heard a ton of chirping coming from the birdhouse. Sure enough...four tiny baby birds!

We got to host our Catalyst young adult group this month. They make me feel old, but man, they encourage me so much.

July 2024 can be the month that chess took over our house :)

All the kids play all the time. And they have the board set up, ready and waiting for Mike when he gets home. And I love it :)

I couldn't figure out why I couldn't open Maddie's sock drawer. When I finally got it open, it was FILLED to the brim with socks. I started organizing them....and learned quickly that every sock that I had told her to throw away because it had a hole in it? She put back in her drawer. The reason why? She was going to organize them {??} My daughter and I are not the same LOL.

Poor kid ended up with a random 2 day fever.

We had a mid-summer Ice Cream Social for our women's ministry, and I got to add in a little creativity :)

Eli drew Mike with his Bible in his office :)

Our cutie girl took a nasty tumble and hit her front teeth/mouth. It involved lots of blood, lots of tears, and an after-hours visit to the dentist. She was such a trooper though!

Full prep for fall Bible study is underway! We're studying Ephesians, and I am so excited to dive in with our women :)

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