Monday, July 15, 2024

13 Years

We celebrated thirteen years of marriage!

The kids were so cute, because they wanted to celebrate with us. They told us to stay in the other room so they could work on secret projects and surprise us with fun things for our anniversary. We got sweet cards, and they were just so excited that it was our anniversary!

We exchanged gifts with each other earlier in the day. I got Mike an outdoor projector, because he has been talking about doing outdoor movies with the kids and neighbors, and Mike got me a beautiful pair of silver interlocking knot earrings from Brighton.

Mike also lined up babysitters, and we got to go out on a real date! We headed out to dinner at The Capital Grille, and we enjoyed a fabulous meal and uninterrupted conversation :)

While we were out, the kids were living their best life with Mr. James and Mrs. Siu...eating pizza, taking walks to the park, and also making us the sweetest anniversary poster. We are so thankful for these sweet friends who love our kids so well.

It's hard to believe that it has been 13 years since we said "I do." So much life has been lived in that time, so many good times, and some hard times too. But I love the life we have built and that we get to face it all together. I'm thankful for all the Lord has done, and I look forward to what He has for us in the years to come!

Happy Anniversary to us! :)

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