Monday, August 26, 2024

Sir Aiden Turns 6!

Aiden decided that he wanted a knight birthday to celebrate his 6th!

We continued our tradition of themed decorations, and he was so excited to come downstairs and find his knight/castle decorations waiting. And he was a good sport while Mommy got the obligatory birthday photos :)

After breakfast, we let him open presents, all knight-themed. Eli and Maddie drew him sweet pictures, which mostly consisted of Pooh bear battling dragons and other armies. He also got knight/castle toys, a knight helmet/sword/shield, and knight books/stickers. Most of the day was spent playing with all his fun birthday gifts!

No birthday would be complete without a birthday cake, and this year he requested this chocolate one

It was a fun day, filled with knights and a happy 6 year old boy. Happy Birthday, Aiden!

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