Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Strawberry Picking

It has become tradition to head to Wegmeyer Farms to pick strawberries to officially kick off the summer! We weren't quite sure if we were going to make it this year, but the timing worked out just perfectly for us to squeeze in a trip, and we were able to pick some really great strawberries!

We have come pretty far in our strawberry-picking skills from that very first summer. We can pick them much faster, and we can much more readily identify the good ones. We didn't come home with any duds this year! The only thing we will still need to work on is thoroughly combing the row to harvest the good berries before moving on...but there's always next year! :)

Unfortunately, we haven't had any time to make anything yummy with our strawberry haul this year. Instead, we have just been enjoying them as is all week. But there hasn't been a single complaint, so I think it was still worth it to fill our tummies with yummy strawberries!

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