Friday, May 31, 2024

{iPhone Rewind} :: May

The end is in sight! We have our evaluations, and then we will be wrapping up our school year. We are all ready for summer!

She does ;)

Perfect way to wrap up our time with Mr. Jesse before he moved to Hawaii!

Watching basketball with Daddy :)

We had our women's spring fellowship brunch to wrap up our year; I'm so thankful for all the Lord has done in and through our women!

The original piano we had was unrepairable. But our sweet neighbors were looking to pass on their piano, so we were so excited to inherit it! So thankful for the kindness of friends and neighbors who are willing to help move pianos across cul-de-sacs in the rain :)

This guy decided he was brave and big enough to sit in the exam chair all by himself. Which is fine. That's fine. I'm fine. But can someone tell me WHY HE LOOKS SO BIG??!!?

I sure do love them

This little guy has come to visit and hang out on our back patio

Our CBC Women went on a hike! It was such a great morning on the Union Mill and Bull Run Occoquan Trail :)

Eli made another game, and he was so excited to explain it to us :)

We had a church picnic, and the Fairfax County Fire Department brought a truck to spray the kids!

Picasso Tiles, race cars, and imaginations...

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