Monday, May 13, 2024

Mother's Day 2024

For Mother's Day this year, my sweet kiddos surprised me with some beautiful flowers and chocolate cake from Sam's! {Which if you know, Sam's only sells the giant chocolate cakes for special occasions now, so it was a huge treat to see them walk through the door with it haha}

When I woke up on Mother's Day, I got a round of sweet hugs, and Maddie told me, "you are the best mother." They had each made me a card, so I got to hear them tell me all about what they had drawn, and it honestly was the best gift. They were all excited to tell me about their artwork and stickers, and show me what they had written, so proud of what they had made for me.

After church, I was able to come home and take a nap, and then watch the kids play soccer outside while I called my mom and chatted with her. It was a pretty laid back day, and I'm glad I got to spend it with my favorite people :)

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