Saturday, August 26, 2023

Aiden :: 5 Years

Happy 5th Birthday to our sweet boy, Aiden!

My Sweet Aiden,

How are you five? I blinked, and my baby boy is no longer a baby. The tiny years are officially behind us, and we are heading into a new phase of school, and boyhood, and adventure. You start kindergarten on Monday! My Mama heart is having a hard time with all of this transition, and I am having a hard time catching my breath as I think about the little boy you are becoming. I think about the man you will become and I basically just start bawling haha. But sweet boy, I am beyond excited to have a front row seat to all of it. As I sit here typing this, I am watching you catch baby sharks with your fishing pole, your little tongue out in concentration, yelling out, "Mommy, look! I did it!" And I can't help but feel gratitude for the life we have been given with you. You bring so much joy and fun, and I just can't imagine our family any other way. You have taught me an extra measure of patience and grace and creativity in my parenting, but you have also given me an extra measure of love and joy and laughter. My heart swells with pride when I watch you share and open your heart big to the people around you, and my heart just melts into a peddle every time you yell out {still}

Aiden: Mommy?
Me: Yes, Aiden?
Aiden: I love you.

Your Daddy and I love you so much, sometimes it feels like our hearts might burst. You are such a gift to us, and we thank God every day for you. We pray that you are always filled with His joy and love, that you always look for ways to include and care for other people. Happy Birthday, my sweet boy! I hope you enjoy every moment of it, knowing that you are loved and one of the best parts of this family.


STATS: 48 pounds, 45 inches tall

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