Saturday, September 2, 2017

Eli + Maddie :: 10 Months

This was the best we could get...these 2 do NOT sit still anymore. We were lucky to get ANY photos today haha :)

Eli & Maddie, 

This month has been SO fun with you two! While it is absolutely crazy with 2 babies heading in opposite directions ALL the time, it has been fun to follow you on your adventures! You move with lightning speed, are starting to cruise along the furniture {hinting at walking}, and are into everything you can possibly get into. You have kept me BUSY to say the least, but I am loving every minute of it. You are both so expressive, and we love seeing your personalities blossom. It's fun to watch you discover your world, process the new things you are learning, and attempt to understand what we are telling you. We love to watch your little minds work! It's probably going to be scary when you put your minds together, but until then, we will just enjoy watching you two enjoy each other. Our absolute favorite thing is bedtime giggles. When we lay you on the nursery floor to sing to you and get you in your pajamas, you just have to look at each other and you both just erupt into giggles. And it's the absolute best. thing. ever.


E L I J A H      W I N N

Stats :: 20 pounds 3 ounces

Loves :: the height chart in your nursery {seriously, you make a beeline to it EVERY time}, Sasha's water bowl...but really, you just love discovering new things.

Dislikes :: when you're not being held {you are in a bit of a clingy phase right now}

Eat :: you have started eating about 5 to 6 ounces five times a day {lessening your intake a little}. you are eating solids all 3 meals of the day and we have kind of opened the floodgates a bit on food. this month, you tried rice, blueberries, cheese, baked potato, peaches, cantaloupe, pumpkin, pears, spinach, cottage cheese, fish, Cheerios, watermelon, and grapes. and you are absolutely loving it all! you are a bit more of a meticulous eater, carefully selecting each individual morsel to eat.

Sleep :: you are still sleeping consistently through the night, but we know that you wake up several times during the night. not because you are fussy or upset, but because you are kicking. you kick your legs against your mattress and make such loud thuds. we often wonder if maybe you are even doing that in your sleep?? thankfully, you ended your nap strike, though you can still have a random day where you decide not to take your morning nap. 

Play/Development :: you are ALL over the place! you have mastered crawling and are surprisingly quick. you pull up on everything to stand up, and you have finally mastered how to lower yourself back down to the ground. you have started making a few steps {still holding on} as you cruise along the window sill, the fireplace, the ottoman, etc. you even stood for a full second without holding on and watching the realization in your eyes was so fun! you are starting to understand the word "no" and we can watch your little wheels turning, deciding whether or not you're going to listen. you are starting to try to clap, which is really fun. but still NO teeth!

Unique to You :: sweet boy, you are our sweet and sensitive boy. we think one of your love languages is going to be physical touch and/or quality time. you just need to know that one of us is near. you "check in" constantly before going about whatever you were doing. it can just be by briefly placing a hand on our leg, giving our arms kisses, or you may need to crawl up into our lap and bury your head in our chest for a moment...but then you're happy and ready to go about your way. you are freely doling out the full mouth kisses {and even discovered the noise it can make when you blow...hilarity}, and you just love to be close. you have discovered the baby version of whining, and are not hesitant in sharing your discontent with us. but I think {and hope} that will subside the more you do your little "check ins" and trust that we are going to be right there with you.

M A D E L I N E      G R A C E

Stats :: 23 pounds

Loves :: food, chasing your brother around the house, tickles from daddy

Dislikes :: being left out! we knew from when you were little you had some serious FOMO, but it's funny even to see it just want to be where the action is!

Eat :: you are still eating 6 to 7 ounces five times a day. you are eating solids all 3 meals of the day, and we have kind of opened the floodgates a bit on food. this month, you tried rice, blueberries, cheese, baked potato, peaches, cantaloupe, pumpkin, pears, spinach, cottage cheese, fish, Cheerios, watermelon, and grapes. and you are absolutely loving it all! you still opt for the "shovel in as much as you can all at once" approach, and make a huge mess, but it's still stinkin' cute :)

Sleep :: you are still sleeping consistently through the night, and apparently seem to sleep through your brother's kicking :)  you still rise early and talk and play quietly in your crib. you are still a good napper, and still love that quiet time before dinner where you just lay in your crib for a little bit.

Play/Development :: you are ALL over the place! you have mastered crawling and are surprisingly quick as well. you pull up on everything to stand up, but are still learning to lower yourself down to the ground {and opt for having mama or daddy help you}. you also try to CLIMB onto everything {giving me constant heart attacks}. you have also started mimicking sounds, or at least attempting to. you are starting to understand the word "no" and we can watch your little wheels turning, deciding whether or not you're going to listen. you are starting to try to clap, which is really fun. but still NO teeth!

Unique to You :: lady bug, you are just so full of joy! you certainly can have your upset moments, but for the most part, you are just our happy, smiling girl! you love exploring and especially exploring with your brother. you want to go and be wherever he is. you have developed a fascination with our ears, which is so funny. you will use all of your strength to physically turn our heads to the side, just so you can see and grab our ears haha. and those curls...your hair is usually out of control {mama's fault}, but the back always seems to settle into cute girly curls!

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