Monday, March 2, 2015

Embryo Adoption :: We've Been Matched!

Today we accepted the match for our embryo adoption!! :)

The matching phase can take a few months, but we were blessed to be matched with our first genetic family! We won't provide a ton of details on this blog {for privacy reasons}, but we are so excited about the genetic family the Lord has provided for us. It's crazy to think that the Lord has known all along that we were to be forever connected with this sweet family.

Our genetic family lives in Texas, but they are in a different part of the state. They have 3 beautiful children, that the Lord blessed them with through IVF. They wanted their remaining embryos to go to a loving, Christian family, and their one, non-negotiable requirement was that all of the embryos stay together. Which is part of why they chose Nightlight, because Nightlight advocates for families to adopt all embryos {rather than splitting them up among multiple families, which is often the case with clinic programs}. 

This sweet family has 6 {count them six!} precious embryos, and we cannot be more excited! We knew that we wanted multiple embryos, because we knew we would want multiple children. So while any resulting children will not be related to us, they will be related to each other {how cool is that?} 

Six was a little shocking to us at first, and it took some serious prayer to be sure we wanted to step out in faith for 6 precious lives. But in the end, we knew this was the family God had prepared for us. We appreciated their heart in wanting to protect and provide a good home for their remaining embryos, and we are so humbled by the fact that they have entrusted us with something so precious.

So now that we have been matched, we move forward with the contracts!

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