Monday, June 10, 2013

Acts 29 Candidates

As I mentioned before, Mike and I completed the final assessment for the application process with Acts 29 last month. We were so encouraged by the time with our assessors, which made us that much more excited about connecting with them in this church planting journey. We received the official word last Friday that we have been accepted into their candidacy phase of the program!

So what is the candidacy phase? It basically means that we can begin connecting relationally with other church planters in the network, including a coaching relationship with an experienced planter. It means that we will now have the support, guidance, oversight, and wisdom of being connected in a network of churches and church plants who have the same heart and vision for Jesus. During this phase, we will gather our core group, develop of our strategy, assemble our budget, and determine our needs. We have several objectives we will have to work toward as planters, and as Redeemer Church, before we can be an official Acts 29 member, but they will walk beside us and help us as we seek to launch a church here in McKinney.

This is such an encouragement to us, and we are so thankful for the relationships the Lord has already provided within the network. It's comforting to labor beside like-minded people who want to help us make our church the healthiest and most successful it can be for the sake of the gospel.

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