
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

3 Years Later...

Ok. Before I go any further, I cannot take full credit for this post. My sweet friend Nicki blogged about this first. And to be honest, I had completely forgotten what the date was- oops. That being said, Nicki reminded me that...

3 years ago today, I graduated with a Bachelors of Business Administration from Baylor University! I can hardly believe that it's been 3 years. It feels like yesterday...

I remember how excited I was on graduation day, and how completely relieved I was. It was definitely bittersweet to leave the university I had grown to love. It had been a long journey, and graduation was the culmination of 4 years of a lot of hard work. Looking back, I can say that I probably pushed myself more than I should have and had too much unnecessary stress. I was the dorky kid who studied way too much- haha. But I am so grateful for the time I had at Baylor. It was such an immense blessing to even attend, and I will always be grateful for the opportunity I had to study at such an amazing university. I am grateful to my parents for all of the support and encouragement they gave me during my time at Baylor; I know it wasn't always easy, but they loved me throughout the process and I am so thankful.

Sweet Friends at Graduation Time!

I am so grateful for the experiences I received at Baylor. From my business classes and the college group I was a part of to working in the dorms as a Community Leader and the trips to Prague and D.C., I am thankful for all the incredible experiences the Lord allowed me to have. I think I am most grateful for the relationships I built along the way. Part of me is sad that I did not fully realize how important that was until after I left Baylor, but I am glad that He has shown me the value since that time. Whether it was the relationships with the girls on my hall, the people in my classes, the friends in community groups, or my co-workers, I praise God for the people he placed in my life along the way. And I praise Him for the people He has kept in my life, even 3 years later...

I recently started reading through my old blog. Not really sure why, just wandered across it the other day and decided to read through where I was starting about 4 years ago. It's always interesting to read through old journals/blogs; it's amazing to see how the Lord works in different ways at different times. To see where you have been and where He has brought you since then is such a sweet blessing. And it's such a good reminder that He's not through with me yet...

Overall, I look back on my time at Baylor and smile; I smile at the incredible blessing it was to study there for 4 years; I smile as I remember fun memories that I had (almost) forgotten about; I smile at my ridiculous blog postings of how stressed out I used to get; I smile at the things that used to mean so much to me and how my priorities have changed over the years; I smile at the friends the Lord blessed me with; I smile at the sweet time I had with the Lord during college; and I smile at how much the Lord worked in my heart during that time, but most importantly how much He has worked in my heart since then.

I really love Baylor, and I will always and forever be a bear... sic 'em ;)

It's fun to look back on that time, but I also look forward to the next 3 years. I am excited to see what He has in store for me next :)



  1. Sic 'em Bears!!!! Yay for Baylor Alumni, and for getting older... haha! :) So glad to have met you and experienced those years with you!
