
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

{iPhone Rewind} :: December

Mike took Maddie to Pioneer Girls, so I got a night with the boys. They chose watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas and building robots!

Granny had left us 5 Christmas presents to open in December, and we were so excited to find Christmas mugs with our names on them! Perfect for hot chocolate :)

This girlie LOVES meats haha {and writing about it}

Aiden said wistfully, "I wish I had this much money..." One day, buddy. One day.

**The rest of the photos in December are marked with the loss of my brother. I still haven't quite figured out if or when or how I will blog about this time, but I do know that there are ways the Lord took care of us that I do not want to forget. So for now, I will put some photos of family and the kids here.**

I am SO PROUD of these 3. They are such troopers, and they did so great with all the last minute travel. And I can't tell you how many people were shocked that Mike was handling all 3 by himself {it actually started to annoy me}. I had zero worries, because I knew he would do just fine {if not better than I could}. And he did. 

Sweet cousins who had matching Christmas pajamas and cookie decorating waiting for our kids when they got off the plane in Texas.

Sweet Airalyn turned 13 the day Michael went into the hospital, so we wanted to be sure to find a time to still celebrate her. She LOVES claw machines, so we spent the afternoon at ClawZania!

In all the last minute rush, Maddie ended up in Texas without pajamas! And even when I was going through all the clothes, I missed it completely as well, so poor girl had to wear her brother's shirt. She was a good sport, and Aiden was ok with it...only because it wasn't garbage day ;)

My kids have brought so much laughter and joy to a hard few weeks, but they have also brought their love and gentleness. I have been amazed at their sensitivity and how they have cared for the adults with their love and hugs.

We have received an outpouring of love and support from our own church family, even while we were in Texas. But when we arrived home, there was more waiting for us. From meals and cards to flowers and love gifts for flights, we have been overwhelmed by the body of Christ and its care for us. 

The normal Christmas activities we had planned didn't happen in the same way, but we still made a little time to do a few things for the kids. On the morning of Christmas Eve, we let them paint some Christmas ornaments.

Living their best Christmas Eve life :)

A hawk came to visit us on Christmas!

We had 2 down sick the day after Christmas...

Eli helped Mike up at the church, and he was so proud of his work :)

This is the medication insert for my Stelara. Granted, a lot of it is directions for use. But there are a lot of fine print warnings too. It's just a lot of small print, front and back. I just try not to think too much about it...

The last few days of the year have been pretty rough. Mike was pretty much the only one left standing, and we have seen who is a good sick person and who...definitely is not haha.

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